Monday, March 1, 2010

Cell Division

".. .cell division." by Skot

"Light Spectacle" by Leaf

"In my research I captured this animal" by David

by Scott

Tripping on trophies makes laughter. Forgotten.
Paper template coats the floor like a stain. Removed.

"Cafecitocuajimoloyas" by Susy

by Anal

"There Is a Natural Balance" by Mary

"Below the Flush" by Fox

"Bodisatva" via Bret

On the surface of the wave, fold the skin of the earth with your magic fingers and bounce the light of galaxies off of the raging oceans. Extinguish the fires that rage in the heart of me and draw me to the indigo cool in the eyes of you, my goddess.

"I Feel You" by Rose